Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Desert of Black

The Desert of Blackness

The Black Wasteland stretched out before Him His journey was about to begin. The heat was oppressive as it rose from the ground about Him. The long stretch of desert devoid of life that he had to cross shimmered with heat waves, presenting the illusion of a vast black sea stretching out as far as the eye could see, the distance seemed endless. The first step was the hardest as He began the long journey across the black desert. He walked seemingly forever the heat baking the life out of His body, within moments His shirt was drenched in sweat and a permanent sheen was glistening across His brow. The glaring eye of the sun was slowly burning what little water He had within Him away. The sun, which appeared to be the baleful eye of some Demon God staring down upon Him burning the life from the surrounding countryside, only marched its stately dance across the heavens. As He reached the halfway point of His trek a stitch began to form in His side causing pain and discomfort. Yet far out in the distance He could see His goal shining silver in the oppressive heat an oasis of life in this vast dessert of death. The only life here seemed to be insects thriving off what food they could scrounge on the barren ground, no plants grew here, no vegetation to break up the endless sea of black. Closer still He came to His goal and the trek became more of a trial by fire, than a journey across a black desert, every step was pain every breath a scorching burning lungful of white hot air. Time seemed to stretch out into endless moments of torture each more dreadful than the last. The heat pressed down upon Him like a living being attempting to squeeze the life out of His already parched body. Finally He was mere feet away from His goal each step now was pure agony beyond anything conceivable, His feet felt like lead weights dragging across the scorched earth, to heavy to move yet to stop meant certain death. At last the shining silver object was at His fingertips His goal was at hand the vast desert conquered by His iron will. The enemy had been defeated and victory tasted sweet upon His lips. Yet in an instant His cry turned from one of elation and pure joy, to one of pain so profound it was as if His soul was tearing itself apart…He had forgotten his keys

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